Config file documentation for @campgroundbooking/core


Utilizes node-convict and is expecting overrides per env in config/env.json

config env arg format doc default
env NODE_ENV --node-env undefined The applicaton environment development
version VERSION version The application version number [object Object]
rawHttp RAW_HTTP Boolean Run in raw Http, useful for testing webhooks false
name APPLICATION_NAME String Name of this server for services like new relic CampgroundBooking - Unknown
publicServer PUBLIC_SERVER String The applicaton server domain http://localhost:3000
publicApiServer PUBLIC_API_SERVER String The API server domain https://localhost:6001
redis Object Redis config [object Object]
allowedReferers Array Allowed raw referer's in authentication
sentryDSN SENTRY_PUBLIC_DSN String Public Sentry DSN ``

Config Section for newrelic

config env arg format doc default
key NEWRELIC_KEY String The new relic license key a129dab8feeebdf3240efd1f427b54c488a50dbf

Config Section for server

config env arg format doc default
host SERVER_HOST dnsName This server's host name localhost
port SERVER_PORT port port to bind 5555
key SERVER_KEY undefined SSL key file ./localhost.key
crt SERVER_CERT undefined SSL cert file ./localhost.crt
sessionId SERVER_SESSION_ID String Server session id key campgroundbooking

Config Section for files

config env arg format doc default
base FILES_BASE String Absolute base directory for files to be stored /home/runner/work/NR-rest-api/NR-rest-api/src/core/uploads

Config Section for tokens

config env arg format doc default
publicKey TOKENS_PUBLIC_KEY String JWT public key file to salt all JWT tokens strong-jwt-cert-goes-here
privateKey TOKENS_PRIVATE_KEY String JWT private key file to salt all JWT tokens strong-jwt-cert-goes-here
expiresIn TOKENS_EXPIRES_IN range Range for when tokens expire (see ms.js) 1d
expiresInLong TOKENS_EXPIRES_IN_LONG range Range for when tokens expire (see ms.js) 7d

Config Section for user

config env arg format doc default
salt USER_SALT String User password salt, should be crpyptographically strong null

Config Section for mongo

config env arg format doc default
url MONGO_URL String MongoDB connection string mongodb://localhost:27017/
database MONGO_DB String MongoDB database name campgroundbooking
replicaSet MONGO_REPLICA_SET String MongoDB Replica Set name ``
authSource MONGO_AUTH_DB String MongoDB authentication databse, will use default database if not set ``

Config Section for timescaledb

config env arg format doc default
url TIMESCALE_URL String Timescaledb connection string timescaledb.timescaledb:5432
databaseName TIMESCALE_DATABASE_NAME String Timescaledb database name postgres
username TIMESCALE_USERNAME String Timescaledb connection string ``
password TIMESCALE_PASSWORD String Timescaledb connection string ``

Config Section for elastic

config env arg format doc default
url ELASTICSEARCH_URL String ElasticSearch connection string http://localhost:9200
username ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME String ElasticSearch connection username undefined
password ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD String ElasticSearch connection password undefined

Config Section for banking

Config Section for stripe

config env arg format doc default
clientId STRIPE_CLIENT_ID String Stripe client_id, see stripe connect documentation ``
clientSecret STRIPE_CLIENT_SECRET String Stripe client_secret, see stripe connect documentation ``
statementDescriptor STATEMENT_DESCRIPTOR format Descriptor to appear on credit card statements campgroundbooking

Config Section for accounting

Config Section for quickbooks

config env arg format doc default
clientId QUICKBOOKS_CLIENT_ID String Quickbooks client_id ``
clientSecret QUICKBOOKS_CLIENT_SECRET String Quickbooks client_secret ``
endpointsUrl QUICKBOOKS_ENDPOINTS_URL String Quickbooks endpoints well known url ``
redirectUri QUICKBOOKS_REDIRECT_URI String Quickbooks redirect Uri ``
baseUrl QUICKBOOKS_BASE_URL String Quickbooks Base URL ``
scopes QUICKBOOKS_SCOPES Array Quickbooks scopes ``

Config Section for sendgrid

config env arg format doc default
id SENDGRID_API_ID String Sendgrid email sending enabled id null
key SENDGRID_API_KEY String Sendgrid email sending enabled key null

Config Section for postmark

config env arg format doc default
key POSTMARK_API_KEY String Postmark email sending enabled key null

Config Section for els

config env arg format doc default
apiKey ELS_API_KEY String ELS API Key ``
apiUrl ELS_API_URL String ELS API Url ``
id ELS_WEBSITE_ID String ELS website id ``
affiliates ELS_ALLOWD_AFFILIATES Array Allow ELS Affiliates ``

Config Section for outdoorsy

config env arg format doc default
apiKey OUTDOORSY_API_KEY String Outdoorsy API Key ``
apiUrl OUTDOORSY_API_URL String Outdoorsy API Url ``

Config Section for authentication

Config Section for facebook

config env arg format doc default
clientId FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID String Facebook client id (see facebook documentation) null
clientSecret FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET String Facebook client secret (see facebook documentation) null

Config Section for google

config env arg format doc default
clientId GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID String Google client id (see google documentation) null
clientSecret GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET String Google client secret (see google documentation) null

Config Section for twitter

config env arg format doc default
consumerKey TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY String Twitter consumer key (see twitter documentation) null
consumerSecret TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET String Twitter consumer secret (see twitter documentation) null

Config Section for email

Config Section for company

config env arg format doc default
name String Name of company sending emails Good Sam Enterprises, LLC.
address String Mailing address of company sending emails 250 Parkway Dr Ste 270, Lincolnshire IL 60069

Config Section for mapbox

config env arg format doc default
accessToken MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN String Mapbox access token ``

Config Section for hereAPI

config env arg format doc default
autocompletUri String Here Maps AutocompleteURI
geocoderUri String Here Maps GeocoderURI
placesUri String Here Maps PlacesURI
routingUri String Here Maps RoutingURI
id HERE_API_ID String Here Maps API app id ``
code HERE_API_CODE String Here Maps API app api code (deprecated) ``
key HERE_API_KEY String Here Maps API app api key ``

Config Section for aws

config env arg format doc default
accessKeyId AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID String AWS S3 ClientId foo
secretAccessKey AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY String AWS ClientSecret foos
region AWS_REGION String AWS Region ``

Config Section for s3

config env arg format doc default
edgeEndpoint AWS_S3_EDGE_ENDPOINT String AWS S3 edge endpoint ``
subdomain AWS_S3_SUBDOMAIN String Subdomain that points to image bucket CDN ``
endpoint AWS_S3_ENDPOINT String AWS S3 connection string http://localhost:4572
bucket AWS_S3_BUCKET String AWS S3 bucket cb-development
prefix AWS_S3_PREFIX String AWS S3 prefix for all files for this system ``

Config Section for google

config env arg format doc default
clientId GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID String Google Client ID ``
projectId GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID String Google Project ID ``
authUri GOOGLE_AUTH_URI String Google Auth URI
tokenUri GOOGLE_TOKEN_URI String Google Token URI
authProviderx509CertUrl GOOGLE_x509_CERT_URL String Google Provider x509 Cert Url
clientSecret GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET String Google Client Secret ``
redirectUris GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URIS Array Google Redirect URIs ``

Config Section for gsmembership

config env arg format doc default
apiUrl GSMEMBERSHIP_API_URL String Good Sam Membership URL ``

Config Section for basicAuth

config env arg format doc default
username GSMEMBERSHIP_BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME String Good Sam Membership Basic Auth Username ``
password GSMEMBERSHIP_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD String Good Sam Membership Basic Auth Password ``

Example env.json

  "env": "development",
  "version": {
    "info": {
      "raw": "2.32.0"
  "rawHttp": "⬆ see-format",
  "name": "CampgroundBooking - Unknown",
  "publicServer": "http://localhost:3000",
  "publicApiServer": "https://localhost:6001",
  "redis": {},
  "allowedReferers": [
  "sentryDSN": "⬆ see-format",
  "newrelic": {
    "key": "a129dab8feeebdf3240efd1f427b54c488a50dbf"
  "server": {
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 5555,
    "key": "./localhost.key",
    "crt": "./localhost.crt",
    "sessionId": "campgroundbooking"
  "files": {
    "base": "/home/runner/work/NR-rest-api/NR-rest-api/src/core/uploads"
  "tokens": {
    "publicKey": "strong-jwt-cert-goes-here",
    "privateKey": "strong-jwt-cert-goes-here",
    "expiresIn": "1d",
    "expiresInLong": "7d"
  "user": {
    "salt": "⬆ see-format"
  "mongo": {
    "url": "mongodb://localhost:27017/",
    "database": "campgroundbooking",
    "replicaSet": "⬆ see-format",
    "authSource": "⬆ see-format"
  "timescaledb": {
    "url": "timescaledb.timescaledb:5432",
    "databaseName": "postgres",
    "username": "⬆ see-format",
    "password": "⬆ see-format"
  "elastic": {
    "url": "http://localhost:9200",
    "username": "⬆ see-format",
    "password": "⬆ see-format"
  "banking": {
    "stripe": {
      "clientId": "⬆ see-format",
      "clientSecret": "⬆ see-format",
      "statementDescriptor": "campgroundbooking"
  "accounting": {
    "quickbooks": {
      "clientId": "⬆ see-format",
      "clientSecret": "⬆ see-format",
      "endpointsUrl": "⬆ see-format",
      "redirectUri": "⬆ see-format",
      "baseUrl": "⬆ see-format",
      "scopes": []
  "sendgrid": {
    "id": "⬆ see-format",
    "key": "⬆ see-format"
  "postmark": {
    "key": "⬆ see-format"
  "els": {
    "apiKey": "⬆ see-format",
    "apiUrl": "⬆ see-format",
    "id": "⬆ see-format",
    "affiliates": []
  "outdoorsy": {
    "apiKey": "⬆ see-format",
    "apiUrl": "⬆ see-format"
  "authentication": {
    "facebook": {
      "clientId": "⬆ see-format",
      "clientSecret": "⬆ see-format"
    "google": {
      "clientId": "⬆ see-format",
      "clientSecret": "⬆ see-format"
    "twitter": {
      "consumerKey": "⬆ see-format",
      "consumerSecret": "⬆ see-format"
  "email": {
    "company": {
      "name": "Good Sam Enterprises, LLC.",
      "address": "250 Parkway Dr Ste 270, Lincolnshire IL 60069"
  "mapbox": {
    "accessToken": "⬆ see-format"
  "hereAPI": {
    "autocompletUri": "",
    "geocoderUri": "",
    "placesUri": "",
    "routingUri": "",
    "id": "⬆ see-format",
    "code": "⬆ see-format",
    "key": "⬆ see-format"
  "aws": {
    "accessKeyId": "foo",
    "secretAccessKey": "foos",
    "region": "⬆ see-format",
    "s3": {
      "edgeEndpoint": "⬆ see-format",
      "subdomain": "⬆ see-format",
      "endpoint": "http://localhost:4572",
      "bucket": "cb-development",
      "prefix": "⬆ see-format"
  "google": {
    "clientId": "⬆ see-format",
    "projectId": "⬆ see-format",
    "authUri": "",
    "tokenUri": "",
    "authProviderx509CertUrl": "",
    "clientSecret": "⬆ see-format",
    "redirectUris": []
  "gsmembership": {
    "apiUrl": "⬆ see-format",
    "basicAuth": {
      "username": "⬆ see-format",
      "password": "⬆ see-format"